12 Packing Tips for Moving House: What You Need to Know

Are you getting ready to move into a new house or apartment? It could be a smaller apartment in the city or from one coast of the United States to another. No matter how big or small your move is, it can be incredibly complicated and daunting.

The good news? Although the moving house can be stressful, it doesn't have to be. With the proper preparation and attitude, moving day can become a fun adventure rather than a draining ordeal.

In this article, I'll share twelve packing tips for moving house. I'll take you through everything from decluttering before you move to pack moving boxes efficiently and from renting U-Haul trucks to setting up utilities early so that you have an easier time when the day arrives.

1. Prep Ahead

Moving to a new place can be an exciting but daunting experience. To make the process easier, planning ahead and taking the necessary steps are essential to ensure a smooth transition. Use a checklist to ensure you don't forget anything before, during, or after the shift. It is also essential to give yourself enough time for packing - six weeks before the move is ideal, with three weeks dedicated to decluttering and gathering materials and three weeks dedicated to actual packing.

2. Create a Moving Folder

A moving folder is essential for organizing and keeping track of necessary paperwork related to your move. This folder should include rental or purchase papers, moving contracts, new addresses, and other documents needed during the move. It is also essential to have answers to questions and records of agreements on hand during the move. By having all documents necessary for your move in one easily accessible place, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the process.

3. Use Correct-Size Boxes

Using the right size boxes when packing for a move can save time and money. Reusing cardboard boxes from friends and neighbors is a great way to save money, but ensuring the boxes are adequately sized for the items you're packing is essential. For example, wardrobe boxes are perfect for clothes on hangers, while smaller boxes are ideal for items like books or kitchen utensils. Additionally, heavy items utilize smaller boxes, whereas lighter items can go in larger boxes. Finding the right size boxes for your move can make the process easier and more efficient.

4. Pack Room by Room

One of the best ways to simplify the packing process is by packing one room at a time. This keeps you organized and on task. Start by removing all items you don't want to take with you, like clothing and furniture you don't need, any out-of-date electronics, and any unwanted items. Next, use boxes and packing tape to organize and wrap pieces of furniture you need to move. Afterward, organize the smaller loose items in the room into labeled boxes.

Avoid mixing things from different rooms in one box. This may seem small, but when it comes time to unpack everything, you'll be thankful you organized it ahead! Separating your items into different rooms makes unpacking more manageable and reduces the chances of you losing something important during the move.

5. Bottom Heavy, Top Light

When packing boxes for a move, it is crucial to keep the weight of the items in mind. Heavier things go on the bottom of boxes, lighter ones on top. This will help ensure the box does not become too heavy and break during transport. For heavier items such as textbooks, it is best to use smaller boxes to handle the weight without becoming too cumbersome. On the other hand, larger boxes are better suited for light items like decorative pillows, towels, and linens.

6. Avoid Leaving Empty Spaces

When packing for a move, it is vital to ensure all boxes are correctly filled. Leaving empty spaces in the boxes can cause items to shift during transit, potentially leading to damage or breakage. To prevent this, fill any gaps with packing materials or bubble wrap to prevent items from shifting during transport.

7. Save Space Using Garbage Bags

When packing clothing for a move, saving as much space as possible is important. Excess clothing can quickly fill up the moving truck and make it difficult to fit all your belongings in one trip. One way to save space when packing clothing is by using garbage bags. Cut a hole on top of the bag and place it over a grouping of hangers. This will keep the clothes from taking up too much room in the truck.

8. Label Boxes with Their Rooms and Contents

Grouping items in boxes according to their room destination when packing is significant. Separate valuable items into individual boxes marked fragile on the outside and label the outsides of each box with the room they are in and a detailed list of its contents. Household items like kitchen cutlery, bedroom furniture, books, or artwork you can pack together. This will help keep related objects from getting lost amidst all other boxes throughout the move process.

9. Tape up Your Moving Boxes

Tapping your moving boxes is crucial when packing your belongings for a move. Ensuring the boxes are secure and won't break during transit is essential. To do this:

  1. Start by closing each box's bottom and top seams with a couple of pieces of tape.
  2. Wrap the top and bottom sides of the box twice.
  3. Use tape on box bottoms and sides to reduce stress. This will help keep them from falling apart when moving around.

Once you have taped the bottom and sides of each box, securely tape the top. This will help prevent any items from falling out during transit or while in storage. After taping each box, double-check all tape to ensure everything is secure before labeling it for transport or storage. These extra steps will ensure that your belongings stay safe throughout the move.

10. Carry the Essentials with You

Having your essential items with you during a move can make a huge difference in how smoothly everything goes. This means packing a suitcase with essential items such as clothes, toiletries, medications, and paperwork for the night before the move. It can also include daily items such as bed linens, dishes and utensils, and pots and pans. Keeping them in the car or moving truck will ensure you have some essentials if anything goes wrong.

11. Set Up Your New Home’s Utilities

When moving to a new home, it is vital to schedule utilities in advance. This includes setting up accounts with the new providers and transferring existing accounts from your old address. Additionally, preparing for potential issues such as power outages is essential by bringing food that doesn't require refrigeration and considering a portable power station or power bank. These steps will help you set up all your utilities before moving in.

12. Rent a Moving Truck with a Ramp

Regarding DIY moving, renting a truck with a loading ramp is essential. Lifting boxes and furniture into the truck will take much longer and be more difficult without a ramp. A ramp can save time and energy when moving, allowing you to easily slide items into the truck without lifting them. Determining the size of the moving truck you need is an essential step in the moving process. If you hire a professional moving company, they will provide the proper truck as part of their estimate. However, if you rent a truck, choosing one large enough to fit all your belongings with a loading ramp for easy access is crucial.

When selecting a rental truck with a loading ramp, ensure it is wide enough for your items and tall enough so you don't have to strain your back while lifting them. It should also have good traction on the ramp, so items don't slip while loading. Additionally, ensure the ramp is secure and easy to remove after loading.

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