8 Tips For Attracting Birds To Your Yard

Are you tired of watching birds fly past your backyard without stopping? Do you want to attract a variety of feathered friends to your outdoor space? Then you're in the right place! By following a few simple tips, you can easily turn your yard into a bird haven. By doing things such as planting native trees and shrubs, setting up bird feeders, and even creating bird baths are all ways you can increase your chances of getting a regular flock to stop by -- or in some cases move in!

1. Start by Planting Native Trees and Shrubs

Not only do native trees and shrubs provide essential food, shelter, and nesting sites for birds, but they also help balance the ecosystem and increase oxygen levels in the air.

By researching the bird species that live in your area and the plants they are typically attracted to, you will have a better chance in recruiting these fluff-balls to your yard.

Two Wax Eyes feeding on a fruit tree (Flickr: heyitsbenrobinson)
Two Wax Eyes feeding on a fruit tree (Flickr: heyitsbenrobinson)

The National Audubon Society, a renowned American organization dedicated to the conservation of birds, offers a useful tool for obtaining a list of native plants in your area. By visiting their website and inputting your zip code, you can access a selection of plants that are well-suited to your region and can be easily obtained from local nurseries. This valuable resource is available at no cost.

Audubon's native plants database is helpful for finding native plants birds are attracted to
Audubon's native plants database is helpful for finding native plants birds are attracted to

2. Keep Lawns Trimmed

Many birds rely on lawns for their natural habitat. In order to support these species, it's recommended to keep lawns trimmed short, so as not to obscure potential food sources from the birds.

3. Provide Perches For Birds To Rest On

Larger birds such as crows, ravens, owls, hawks, and eagles are attracted to perches. Different bird species have varying preferences for perch size and shapes, with some preferring thin, straight branches, while others opt for wider and studier perches.

Placing a perch near a bird feeder or water dish is a good way to make access to these resources more

4. Avoid Using Pesticides and Herbicides

The use of the infamous insecticide DDT, devastated bird populations in the United States and other countries in the mid-20th century. This chemical, which accumulated in the fatty tissues of birds and caused thinning of eggshells, led to widespread reproductive failure and population declines in many species.

While the use of DDT has been banned in many countries, birds are still at risk from other pesticides and herbicides that can poison them directly or indirectly through their food sources. By avoiding the use of these chemicals and adopting eco-friendly landscaping practices, you will also increase the chances of creating your bird sanctuary.

5. Add Fresh Water Sources

Like humans, birds require access to fresh, clean water to maintain their health and wellbeing. Providing water sources in the form of bowls, bird baths, fountains, or shallow ponds can attract a variety of bird species to your backyard, and can also provide them with an important source of hydration. In addition to drinking from these sources, birds may also use them for bathing, which helps to keep their feathers clean and in good condition.

An American Robin enjoying a nice bath (Flickr: usfwsmidwest)
An American Robin enjoying a nice bath (Flickr: usfwsmidwest)

It's important that the water sources be refilled with fresh water every day, and cleaned at least once a week, to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria which can harm the birds. If the water is contaminated, it can be unsafe for the birds to drink, bathe in, and will attract pests like mosquitos.

6. Adding Feeders

A bird feeder is a device that provides food for wild birds in outdoor environments. These feeding stations come in a range of styles and designs, with various features and benefits. Some feeders are designed to attract specific bird species, while others offer features such as squirrel-proofing or easy filling and cleaning.

If you prefer, you can also make your own bird feeder using materials such as wood, metal, or plastic. A bird feeder is especially attractive during the winter months when insects are more scarce.

Avoid Placing Feeders Near Windows

One of the sadder parts of having birds around is the inevitable run-ins with windows. Unfortunately, most of the time birds run into a window its fatal, but many times they can survive. To prevent birds from striking your windows, ensure that you place bird feeders away from windows and cover the glass with screens or netting.

Using glass pens, you can also draw vertical lines (6 inches apart from one another) on your windows, which will add depth perception and prevent strikes. By implementing these measures, you can help protect birds from the hazards of window collisions and ensure their safety.

Clean Bird Feeders Regularly

If you're planning to install a bird feeder, maintaining it in a clean and sanitary condition is extremely important. If it becomes contaminated with bird droppings or other debris, birds may develop salmonellosis, a serious illness that can weaken and make them more vulnerable to predators. In addition to causing harm to individual birds, contaminated feeders can also spread disease to other birds and potentially cause a large-scale outbreak. To prevent these problems, completely sanitize bird feeders using isopropyl alcohol or dishwasher soap at least once a week, and more often in humid climates.

Keep Pets Away

Dogs can be a problem when it comes to attracting birds to bird feeders because they often chase them away. Cats on the other hand like to hunt small prey and will attack anything that moves in their path. These two animals can make it difficult for you if you want to attract bird species with a bird feeder.

One way to discourage cats and dogs from approaching bird feeders is to place a fence around the feeder. This can be a physical fence or a virtual fence created with a motion-activated sprinkler. If a physical fence is used, it should be at least 18 inches high so that cats can't jump over it and dogs can't dig under it. If a motion-activated sprinkler is used, it should be placed so that it will douse the animal when it approaches the feeder. Other ways to keep cats and dogs away from bird feeders include using bird feeders that are inaccessible to animals or using feeders that are designed to keep the seed inside.

Nectar Feeders: Attract Hummingbirds

If you want hummingbirds in your yard, then nectar feeders are a must! While it’s possible to purchase nectar from the store, it’s easier, cheaper, and even safer to make your own. Using just water and sugar; mix them together in equal parts and heat until the sugar has dissolved completely. Once it has cooled, fill your feeder and enjoy the show!

A Rufous Hummingbird having a snack (Flickr: siamesepuppy)
A Rufous Hummingbird having a snack (Flickr: siamesepuppy)

Warning: Bees and ants are both fiends for the sweet stuff and will swarm your feeders eventually. Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent them from agitating your hummingbirds. Ant guards and buying the proper hummingbird feeders are both good places to start.

Fruit Feeders: Attract orioles and tanagers

Orioles and tanagers love fruit almost as much as they love insects! If you want to attract these beautiful birds to your yard, try setting up a fruit feeder. Orioles especially like grape jelly or oranges, but other fruits like apples or pears will also work. Just be sure to clean your feeder often, as fruit can rot quickly and attract other unwanted pests.

Seed Feeders: Attract a wide variety of birds

The Woodlink bird feeder is a solid and reliable choice.
The Woodlink bird feeder is a solid and reliable choice.

Birds that are attracted to seed feeders are generally small to medium-sized, like finches, chickadees, and titmice. These birds are usually attracted to feeders that offer a variety of seeds, such as sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, and millet.

Some larger birds, such as cardinals and blue/scrub jays, may also be attracted to seed feeders, but they prefer feeders offering a mixture of seeds, suet, and nuts (peanuts, pecans, walnuts).

You can purchase birdseed from a pet store or online, or you can grow your own! Just be sure that whatever seeds you use are safe for birds; many common weeds can be poisonous to them.

A scrub jay evaluates its choices (Flickr: tdlucas5000)
A scrub jay evaluates its choices (Flickr: tdlucas5000)

7. Avoid Artificial Lights at Night

Artificial lights can disrupt a bird's circadian rhythm, or natural sleep-wake cycle. Birds that are exposed to artificial light for long periods of time can become confused about when to eat, when to sleep, and when to mate. This can lead to a number of problems for the bird, including a weakened immune system, decreased fertility, and even changes in the bird's behavior.

8. Add Birdhouses

Adding a birdhouse can provide a place for birds to nest and lay eggs, protect them from the harsh weather, and attract other birds to an area.

  • Place it in an open area with plenty of light but also away from trees or other tall structures that can block sunlight from entering the house.
  • Make sure that the entrance is at least 2 inches in diameter and that there are no sharp edges on the inside of the house.
  • Put food inside of it for birds to find; you can use a variety of things like seeds, nuts, suet, or mealworms.
  • Use brightly colored materials for your birdhouse to make it more visible from afar. In addition, make sure you clean it regularly so that food does not spoil and become toxic for birds.


The fun part of attracting birds to your backyard is that you get to enjoy their company. It's also a fun challenge to see how many different kinds of birds you can attract. Plus, it's a great way to learn more about birds and their habits.

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